Grupo Mutum Industrial Complex
Grain Storage
One of the most modern and efficient grain storage structures, with a high standard of quality control for its own and third-party storage. Storage capacity of 1,140 thousand of bags, equivalent to 68,400 thousand tons of grains.
Cotton Processing
The lint processing industry provided the verticalization of the production of Fazenda Mutum, adding greater value to the product, competitiveness and greater profits.
The industry, located in Nova Mutum, currently benefits around 7,000 ha of cotton planted area, around 1,750,000 @ of seed cotton, generating approximately 700 thousand @ of benefited feather.
It has the capacity to expand the processing of its own and third-party products.
Distâncias de Nova Mutum para os principais pontos do país
Dados Nova Mutum
MUNDO | Distância em KM dos principais portos e cidades
WORLD | Distance in KM from the main ports and cities
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